Chains of the Past

As Christians we are adopted into the family of God. When I worked for the state we always made a point of letting adoptive families know that you can dis-inherit your own kids, disown them, whatever, but you can not do that with an adopted child. When the child is adopted tchain-297842_1280-1hey are given a new birth certificate, with new parents, and a new identity.

II Cor. 5:17 states that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

If Christ makes all things new, why do we so readily keep people tied to the chains of the past. Not only to their own past, but we tie them to the sins of their family for numbers of generations. We need to let go of the past and acknowledge the new creature when someone accepts Christ. We need to focus on tier new identity, instead of the old.

When we become Christians, we take on a new identity, a new certificate is issued that covers our past sins – it is covered in the blood Jesus shed on Calvary, our Father is God and He will never forsake us.

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