Private Prayer

But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:6

Jesus expected

That we would pray.

So when we pray,

we are to have a time

in private

where we talk

to God.

This is not a time

to declare

“I’m praying for the next hour”


“Just came out of my prayer closet.”

That time is between

God and the person praying.

It is not the two or three,

although Holy Spirit

is our second for agreement

when we go into our inner room.

It is a spot where we can lay aside

every distraction.

We close the door to the world

and get alone with God.

We can tell Him

everything on our heart.

The reward can be many things.

Intimacy with God

is our main reward.

We also see the reward

of answered prayers.

We see the reward of

changes for those

we are secretly praying for.

And see God in the small things.

We just need to be intentional

to get to Him.

Lord take me

to the secret place

in my time with you.

Let me to go deeper with You!

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