Prayer for Growth

Lord, thank you for this fellowship I have found in You, to be able to come to You myself instead of having to offer blood sacrifices. Thank You Jesus for being the Sacrifice for my sins. I owe a debt I know I can never repay, and You in your awesome mercy and love and grace paid that for me. Thank You for saving me and turning my life around.

Lord, I want to grow deeper in my relationship with You. I need to continue to draw closer to You. I need Your help in giving complete control of my flesh to You. I have grown so much, yet there are areas where I am still a baby in the faith and only You can change that.

Lord, help me to be healthier in my eating and exercise. Show me how to train my body with the same discipline I use in my spiritual walk.

Lord help me to do better socially. I know sometimes I come off in the wrong way. You know I love Your people. Help me to do a better job at it, to be more approachable with out being a no-it-all, making it all about me, or being judgmental.

Lord, help me to set a better example for my family. Sometimes I can be just so “out there.” Help me to be better balanced.

Lord, I would really like a different job. One that would allow me more time with my family but that would allow me to help others. I want Your will above all.

Lord, thank You for this opportunity to come back and be a part of the larger body of Christ. Thank You that it allows me to spend time with my family and just be. It means to much to me. Open the doors for my sister to be able to come next time. I hate that our extended family is so separated now. I know we all have our own lives but I do miss the days of regular family get-togethers and having all the children together. I am not sure how to get back to that for my children.

Lord, be with the couples at church and that I have influence in through work. In each of these relationships I as in agreement with them that You would send angels by the thousands as they stand battling for their marriages. Help them to fight with You and stand together in the heavenlies for their relationship. I pray that each person in the relationship would keep You at the center. Grow each individual into a deeper, more committed , more unified, more Christ-centered, more loving relationship with You and their partner. In Jesus name, Amen.

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