
Noah released a dove after seven days, and then again after another seven days. This shows waiting for the right timing. The dove represents the Holy Spirit. Similarly, in life's storms, we need to wait on the Holy Spirit's guidance. It may feel confining, but waiting on Him ensures the right timing for our next steps.

Waiting Bravely and Courageously

The Psalmist encourages waiting patiently for the Lord, facing challenges with bravery and courage. Different versions interpret "wait" as trust, emphasizing the need for faith and dependence on God's timing. The writer's personal experience illustrates how trusting in God's faithfulness during difficult times can strengthen courage while waiting for His deliverance and purpose.

Squatter’s Rights

Today, Pastor Ness preached from Romans 7 about The Enemy Within. He contrasted the sin that we allow the flesh to hold on to versus living a life submitted to Jesus Christ and living by the power of Holy Spirit. He used the example of sin taking up residence, like a squatter in a rental... Continue Reading →

As Orphans

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18 As we read this Scripture in Bible Study Sunday, I thought about what it means to be an orphan. Both parents have died. I recently was reading in the Old Testament how the farmers were told to leave the remnants for the... Continue Reading →

The Sin of One, The Impact of Many

The chapter of Joshua 7 tells the account of the Israelites going up against the men of Ai in battle. It starts out with a very interesting sentence. ”But the sons of Israel acted unfaithfully regarding the things designated for destruction, for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah,... Continue Reading →

Gut Instinct

”The inhabitants of Gibeon also heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai, but they on their part acted craftily and went and took provisions for a journey, and took worn-out sacks on their donkeys, and wineskins that were worn out, split open, and patched, and worn-out and patched sandals on their feet,... Continue Reading →


The heart reflects the true self, revealing terror, shame, and guilt. Despite serving God, inner darkness persists. Recognizing that others' behavior mirrors our own flaws is crucial for personal growth. Self-reflection is the catalyst for inner work, leading to a desire for every part to reflect Jesus.

Taken for Granted

The writer reflects on their upbringing in the church, realizing the foundational values instilled in them. They acknowledge the privileges of their upbringing, such as respect for leadership and reverence for God, and express a desire to share these values with others. The writer seeks to impart wisdom with love and humility.

Light Shines in the Darkness

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:5 There is something that mesmerizes me when flying at night. Love to see the lights down on the land from the sky. Beautiful lighting up the darkness. Like every time I have a night flight, I have a different revelation about... Continue Reading →


The writer reflects on the importance of spiritual foundations and the responsibility to pass on valuable teachings. Raised in church, they realize not everyone has had the same upbringing. Feeling compelled to teach and guide younger generations, they recognize the significance of their own strong foundation and the need to ensure others have the same.

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