God’s Angels

His angel guards those who honor the Lord    and rescues them from danger. Psalms 34:7 One prayer I often pray is for God to give His angels charge over me, especially when I am traveling. Angels have guarded me and my children throughout our lives. He has sent His angels to rescue me from danger, a few... Continue Reading →

Move Forward

Move Forward reflects on a scripture from Exodus 14:15, reminding them to "move forward" as God instructed. The author had hesitated to publish their journal entries on a blog, despite feeling this was God's direction. Realizing they're stuck through disobedience and procrastination, the author commits to more consistent journaling and publishing. They believe following through with God's commandment is crucial for personal growth and preparedness for the next stages in their life.

The End

“The end of all things is near. You must be self-controlled and alert, to be able to pray.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭‬‬ This passage was shared on a podcast I was listening to. It wasn’t this version, but the podcaster was talking about self-control. What stood out to me was the end of all things... Continue Reading →


Even your smallest and humblest familyWill become as great as a powerful nation.When the right time comes,I will make this happen quickly.I am the Lord!” Isaiah 60:22 God blesses His people, but in His timing; not ours. This scripture reminds me of the first time I heard Christine Caine. She shared how she had done every... Continue Reading →

The Process

As the holiday weekend wrapped up and we packed for our return trip home to New Mexico, I was not looking forward to the drive home. I said a silent prayer wishing God could just beam us back, knowing it was unlikely. I don’t mind the drive, just didn’t want it after a such a... Continue Reading →


 However, as the scripture says, “What no one ever saw or heard,    what no one ever thought could happen,    is the very thing God prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 I live in anticipation of what God will do. Yes, sometimes I lose sight in the midst of trials, but when I quiet myself... Continue Reading →

Sorrow to Joy

“You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance; you have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭30‬:‭11‬ ‭‬‬ Holidays can be difficult for many. For some it is the loss of a loved one. For others it may be distance or broken relationships. For still others it may be the... Continue Reading →

What is that to you?

What is that to you provides a personal revelation on improving their marriage. After blaming her husband for their divorce, the author later found that transforming her attitude and perspective through prayer had a significant impact on their marriage. Referencing biblical passages, she encourages self-reflection and understanding before attributing blame and seeking change in one's spouse, emphasizing that personal growth can lead to a healthier relationship.

The impact of thoughts

As women, we can be really hard on ourselves, and I don't think we understand the impact of our thoughts. We have this inner critic that tells us that we are not enough, not doing enough, or that we are doing too much. The voice of our flesh can be pretty loud, especially when it... Continue Reading →

Errors of my youth

Forgive the sins and errors of my youth. In your constant love and goodness, remember me, Lord! Psalm 25:7 The sins and errors of my youth are many, not that I was perfect as a child, I wasn't. I just went wild in my youth. Knowing that I am truly forgiven is so freeing because for a long time... Continue Reading →

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