Prayer for 2023-2024 School year

Lord Your Word tells us that children are a blessing, a gift from You, so we thank you for the children. We bring each of these children to You as they head back to school. Whether public school, private school, Christian school, charter school or home schooled, from pre-school to college Lord we bring them... Continue Reading →

Stay Salty

““You are like salt for the whole human race. But if salt loses its saltiness, there is no way to make it salty again. It has become worthless, so it is thrown out and people trample on it.”‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭13‬ My devotion this morning by Paul David Tripp from New Morning Mercies was very powerful. He... Continue Reading →

Stubborn Obedience

“So then, from now on be obedient to the Lord and stop being stubborn. The Lord your God is supreme over all gods and over all powers. He is great and mighty, and he is to be obeyed. He does not show partiality, and he does not accept bribes. He makes sure that orphans and... Continue Reading →

Psalm 23 Prayer

Lord You are my Shepherd; I have everything I need. Thank You for allowing me rest for my body, mind, spirit and soul. Thank you for leading me to places of refreshing. You give me Your strength for my weakness. You guide me in the right paths, as Your Word has promised. Even if I... Continue Reading →

Prayer from Psalm 145

“My God and King, we will proclaim your greatness; we will thank You forever and ever. Every day we will thank You; we will praise You forever and ever. You Lord are great and are to be highly praised; Your greatness is beyond understanding. What You have done will be praised from one generation to... Continue Reading →

Run to God

The pitter patter of little fit broke up the quiet sanctuary, pounding above the praise and worship music playing from the sound system. At first, I was a little distracted by it; I wanted to complain, reminded of the many times my husband disrupted my prayer. The children were not being loud. They were just... Continue Reading →

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