A week later

It has been one week. I would like to say I came back from the conference ready to set this place on fire, but I didn't. I know I came back changed. There are small differences. Things like, I don't really want to watch television, especially the soaps and other shows that I know have... Continue Reading →

Confirmation of Changes

I feel like God is really confirming the changes that have been occurring. He was right on time with letting me get a provider number, getting me the number of referrals needed to pay the bills. Then coming to the Joyce Meyer conference, hearing TD Jakes preach about repositioning yourself. He talked about not getting... Continue Reading →


Joyce Meyer Conference 2007 T.D. Jakes and Joyce Meyer are awesome. Yet as exciting as it is to see both of these spiritual leaders, it is much more awesome to see the women standing together in unity. To see women praying to find God’s purpose for their lives. To see women seeking God’s will and... Continue Reading →

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